Friday, August 12, 2011


We are HOME!!! Jordyn is doing good. She is very sleepy today. But who can blame her we did not sleep good last night. We are back on all of our meds and will be seeing Dr. M at the end of the month. Jordyn had a sponge bath today and we got off the rest of her sticky heart monitor tabs. They are always so hard to get off. The little P's had a great time at mom and dads thanks for watching them for the night. We will be just hanging out this weekend. Her groin will be a little tender the next few days. Thanks for all the prayers!!!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello from 5315

It has been a long day. We are finally in our room. Jordyn is doing well. She is still coming off all her good drugs. They were able to do somethings while they were in the cath. They plugged some vains that have grown and should not have. They think this might be one of the reason for her fluid, but are not sure. We will just have to wait and see. Just know that everything looks great with her heart!!!! The hope is the docs here will talk to Dr. M and come up with a new battle plan and we will be home tomorrow. We shall see ill believe it when we are walking out the door. Its going to be a rough night tonight. The Dr.s will be coming back around midnight to remove her bandages and then they will be cheking her blood pressure throughout the night. Please pray that we will be able to come home tomorrow and the new battle plan works. Jordyn is sleeping right now and her o2 sats are 95!!! Thank you all who has been praying for my family. It means so much to have so much love and support from each of you. In a few days ill post some pictres of all the P's they are all getting so big. Good night.

update #2

She is doing great. They are about to take pictures and go from there. If they don't see anything then they will be finished in less the an hour. If they see something well we will just go from there. I cant believe it is almost 4pm It looks like its going to be a late night for the P's. Lets hope they have a room ready for us and we don't have to wait for one when she is done.

Cath day

The cath started at 2. We already got our first phone call. She is doing well. They had put in all her IV's and were just going to start the cath. I was able to go back with her to the OR. I held the mask as she fell asleep. She's in good hands. They gave her some good drugs to make her very loopy. They say its the same as drinking 6 beers. She was such a silly girl. Will update you when we know more. Thanks for your prayers today.

Monday, August 8, 2011

And we are

GOING HOME!!!! we have to get some more blood drawn in a little bit then we are out of here. Heart cath is set for Thursday so Mark and I will bring Jordyn back up. mom and dad will watch the girls and we will go from there. We hope to be home by 6 tonight :) Thanks for all the prayers and will keep everyone updated on Thursday :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

we are eating

As I write this Miss Jordyn is eating A small amount of cheese pizza, mash potatoes, ice tea un-sweet and a Popsicle, but she eating none the less. I have tears running down my face right now. I am so excited that she is starting to feel well enough to eat. :0)

weekends in a hospital suck

Uggggg. Is all I have to say. Well we are staying another night. Her X-ray showed some improvement but not alot. :( We continue with IV lasixs today then a x-ray in the With still no set date for a cath. We hope tomorrow we can get some set dates and a set plan. We are good till tuesday with Mark and Aunt Ann watching the girls. Then well... who can make plans when I have no plans to go off of. Ladies its going to be a crazy week coming up hope you are ready. :) we spent the afternoon walking the halls, throwing penny's into the wishing well, eating some cheese and licking the salt of chips. We are now getting another IV lasixs and relaxing for a few. Have a great night everyone

Saturday, August 6, 2011

5 months old

HAPPY 5 months HONOR and BREE

The little ones are spending lots of time with daddy and Aunt Ann. From the pictures they have been sending up they are going to be 20 lbs when I get home. Mark called today with stories of how much they both are eating and talking and the new things they are doing. He is under strict orders that if they start to sit up by themselves or start to crawl to take lots of pics for me. ill be glad when all of us are together again. From what I hear mark is becoming Mr. MOM. I love this. Good night guys!!

Got Pee

So far we have peed out over a pound of fluid. Needless to say the little one is feeling better. SOOOOOO here is what is going on here. We have a chest x-ray and more blood test in the morning. The hopes is to still get us home for a few days before the heart cath. Should know more tomorrow :) Jordyn spent the evening playing and walking around and starting to be very bossy. We will see what tomorrow will bring. Good night prayer warriors :0)

Fluid Fluid everywhere

So the x-ray says we have tons of fluid over our right lung and some over are left. We are going to increase her lasixs in hopes of drying her out.We will be getting some blood test done to check all her levels and make sure everything else looks good. We will be getting another chest X-ray in the morning and go over our options then. Either wait out the fluid or get a chest tube. There is still just so much up in the air. OOOOOO how i love hospitals. ugh!!!!!!! Miss Jordyn is hanging in there. we are going to go and throw pennies in the wishing well when she wakes up from her nap. Then who knows what the day will bring.

Friday, August 5, 2011


We just had our X-ray. Got to love hospital time. we are back in our room and all snugged in. Jordyn is already back to sleep and I will be joining her in a few. We should know the battle plan in the morning. Thank you for all your prayers. Please pray that we can go home and back on all our meds and then come back for our heart cath in a few days.

hello from 5300

HI from Duke :( yep the fluid is back. :( :( we are back on IV lasixs and waiting for a chest x-ray. we will be getting a heart cath later this week. I hope that we can get some of the fluid off and then go home and come back the day of her cath. We will just wait and see. Mark and Aunt Ann are at home with the little ones. with the ladies on standby. Oh how I love all of my friends and family. Mom and dad are on the way home from NY to help out as well. I am so glad that Aunt Ann is here to help Mark out. I know she would not have it any other way just wish we could have had the fun filled week we had planned. I will keep everyone updated on how we are doing. Right now the little one is sleeping in her wagon. When she is awake all she wants to do is be pulled in her wagon, and that is ok with this mommy. Missing Mark and the girls. :( good night for now.